Saturday, May 21, 2016

Math Happenings!

Here are some photos of what we have been working on in Math during the past few months! We have learned about 2D and 3D shapes, number order, counting objects by 10s, writing numbers to 20, ways to make a number, making numbers with tens and ones, addition and subtraction with objects, solving addition and subtraction word problems, and telling time to the hour. Whew! We've been busy!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Castle Investigation!

The students have been interested in castles since the start of the year. They would often draw stories about knights and castles so when I asked the students if they wanted to do an Investigation about castles, they were all for it! 

We began by learning about life during Medieval Times. We learned about the king, nobles, knights, and peasants. We compared what life was like back then and how different things are today. We began learning about the different parts of a castle and decided to turn the outside of our classroom into a castle! We learned about the people that are needed to build a castle and broke up into groups to create each item.

Many students were building elaborate castles during Rotation time as well!

We learned about the lengthy process of becoming a knight and what it took to protect and defend a castle.  We also got to create catapults that we used to send pom-poms flying! 

Finally, we made our own coat of arms and swords and were knighted!

The Knights of Hillel!