Sunday, November 29, 2015

Veterans Day 2015!

Each year on November 11th, we remember and thank those in the armed forces for their service and sacrifice. On Veteran's Day a couple weeks ago, we read about those heroes and learned what it means to honor them. We learned about the 5 branches: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard, and realized the incredible sacrifices those men and women make to ensure we stay safe. We wrote letters to thank veterans as well as those currently serving our country.

(Thank you for fighting for us.)

(Thank you for stepping up.)

(Thank you for protecting us.)

(Thank you for being brave.)

(Thank you for saving us.)

(Thank you for helping us be safe.)

We learned that some people wear poppy flowers pinned to their shirts on Veterans Day. Poppy seeds can stay in the ground for years and years. They don't grow until the ground around them is disturbed. After World War I, poppies in Flanders (the northern part of Belgium) bloomed where the ground had been disturbed by the fighting and digging of graves. 

The kindergarten students decided to create poppies and wear them throughout the day in order to honor the veterans and those still serving in Armed Forces. We also made enough poppies so each person in the school could wear one to show their support as well.

The kindergarten students went from class to class explaining the importance of Veterans Day, the significance of the poppies, and passed out a poppy to each student and teacher.

Ha'Morah Rina asked to record us so she could show it to her husband, who is a veteran. She was gracious enough to share it with me for the blog as well. Enjoy!

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